
Showing posts from 2011


Green Bean Bacon Bundles

Which Bacon?

Starry Night - in BACON!

Baconnection - The App for Bacon Lovers!

Bacon Roses!

Sausage? Bacon? Why Choose?

Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf

BaconAir - Bacon Flavored Oxygen Inhaler

Bacon Candles

Baconfest Chicago

Bacon Cheesecake!

Oh Google, what have you done? Recipe search?

Makin’ Bacon at Home Day!

Vosges Bacon Chocolate

Random Bacon Roundup

Baking Bacon

Random Bacon Roundup

Potato Bacon Corn Chowder - in a Crock Pot

Bacon Recipes for Game Day

Bacon Baby Formula. Wait. What?

Bacon Hot Sauce Review

Bacon: The Gateway to Meat for Vegetarians

Making Your Own Bacon

Bacon Taste Test

The End of the Bacon Craze? Not When You Have Bacon Ice Cream!